Friday, January 2, 2009

legitimizing alternative life goals

welcome to thermal jerk. i'm so excited to get going on this project. i've been thinking about alternative housing, goal-setting and societal standards for a long time. to clarify what this blog is going to entail in a nut-shell...i'm deeply committed to positivity, living simply and legitimizing alternative life goals. this statement can encompass a number of things. first and foremost, living a modest lifestyle. i work at people's food cooperative grocery, located in portland, or. i am committed to local food sourcing, "zero" waste, recycling, vegetarianism and non-consumerism. i love to challenge everyday ideas about "success", what is considered "normal" and "milestones" in our society. maybe you don't have that 4-bedroom house on the hill, a straight life and a hot career...but maybe you DO have a yurt in the backyard of a friend that you built, a partner, a dog, a solar-powered ipod or a great blog. what are you proud of?

there is an alternative to the typical, socialized paths laid out for people. these "regular", "normal", "straight and narrow" pathways have been laid out with good intentions since the great depression and lifestyle booms of the 30s, 40s and 50s, however, they are no longer relevant for today's world! high school, college, money, career advancement, marriage, house, kids, soccer practice, mini-vans...these things are great! but are not the only goals to strive for. what about emotional growth? what about personal work to learn about your family system? what about taking time to learn more about other systems--class, race, gender, sexism, homophobia? where is your validation for your measure of success? what life have you created for yourself that you are proud of? is this life reflected in the mainstream? is there validation for you and your choices, which have lead you to this point? what are your privileges and what have you struggled for? what are you working towards that people seem to look upon with trepidation?

these questions and answers matter more than you know. everyone feels judgment and ultimately in response to that, hands it out! only when you validate yourself, committ to living your life on your own terms with regard for the environment and your neighbors, can you feel open and positive--work towards things you feel are important! not some status quo! so what if you're without a "stable" career? so what if you didn't go to college? so what if you don't own your own company or make 6 figures? and what if you do but it does not fulfill you? what about the fence you built in a weekend for your friend, made of reclaimed materials? what about the drying and canning you have done because you refuse to use a refrigerator? what about the skills you have in mediation? what about your travel to other counties and what that has taught you? what about publishing zines, coming out to your co-workers or playing in a band?

i am starting this blog for self-reflection and authentication, but also for others to find support. i have not seen the goals in my life reflected in the media. i have not seen my hard work praised in our societal systems. i have sought out others like me and have only found sparse, fringe associations. i'm writing about goals that include self-improvement, emotional enrichment, relationship building, minority-group involvement and environmental responsibility.

hopefully, my readers will call me out if ever i am trashing others' life choices--for on occasion, this might happen. i mean only to encourage others to pursue their interests with passion. here's a link to get you started...

link of the day/book of the day

luv spence

1 comment:

  1. I stumbled upon your blog today. I really appreciate your list of questions in this post. Truly inspiring and positive.
