Wednesday, January 21, 2009

goals in the bag

as promised, here are a few goals that i am proud of accomplishing in the past few years...not without the help of my supportive partner, dedicated friends and ever-growing and changing family! in no particular order...

  • working less! i've acquired a job that has flexible hours, in the sense that i can choose to add more to my plate when i am feeling up to it, also, only working 28 hours a week still gets me my health insurance etc., and i can spend more time with my partner and friends
  • meaningful work, meaningful people in my life
  • finding artistic, alternative thinking resources, support, realities and conversation on these topics--this has happened more-so since starting my blog and working at the co-op, so thanks!
  • no longer rely on credit cards for any means
  • slowly paying past debt, continuing to learn about the modern debt system, saying no to consumer threats (advertising)
  • quieting myself down, slowing down, sacrificing "good credit" for health and life balance
  • built up my skills! better communicator, carpentry, salvaging, music, artistic, strong legs, bike skills, compassion, fixing things, learning, thrifty, resourceful, funny
  • choosing to be my real self, despite what people may think...knowing my true self, loving and accepting that, so that others may get to know me and accept me

well, that's not too shabby! send me a line and maybe let me know some of the goals you have accomplished. there's probably a lot of things you have taken for granted which you have worked on and not acknowledged. i'm excited to add to this list in 2009 and beyond!

i almost forgot! book of the day...riding with strangers by elijah wald. this forty-something-year-old guy sticks his thumb out and takes a hike! a hitch-hike that is. seems he's been hitching for years and this is his third book. touches upon themes like "is hitch-hiking more dnagerous now?", "am i too old for this?" and "what does it all mean?" not exactly uber-scholastic, but a fun quick read. kind of gives me more hope about the kindness of strangers. i've been burning through books like crazy lately!

and remember to go to you won't be sorry!

luv spence

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